Sahlgrenska University Hospital

For a few years I was the AD / visual communicator at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg.  Most notably during the first years of the Covid-19 pandemic. Here follows a small sample of the work I did there.

Covid 19 signage

As the Covid-19 pandemic took root in Gothenburg, we were quick with addressing the need for clear and decisive information on the hospital grounds. We made several posters and signs for the public. And I came to appreciate the impact of the humble sandwich board. And I am still fascinated by the efficiency of the seemingly crude and chaotic communication that printed A4 papers taped to the front door can be. If I were to do a doctoral study within design and communication I would do it on the “A4 and tape” crisis communication method.

On screen graphic elements for videos

Here you can see some of the animation formats for video signs that I developed for Sahlgrenska University Hospital in accordance with the overall guidelines from the governing styleguide from VGR.

Title sign, “sup” with job title, signplate, list, and logo reveal.


a picture can say more than a thousand words.  For those occasions I would produce some illustrations for various purposes. Most often in a flat or orthographic style.

Vi flyttar

Perspektivlabb - design and layout

I would do various layoutjobs amongst them this brochure on an method to communicate across professional and hierarchical borders.

Here I was responsible for the design, illustrations and layout. The wonderful copy writer Katarina Hallingberg did a spectacular job on editing the text to layman’s language and with that we were able to develop a short and concise brochure,  where text and images support each other.

Perspectivelabb brochure vizualisation on a glass sofatable

The hospital runs a separate news and information blog.  Developed by Valentine Experience and holding true the brand guideline from the regional government VGR, we found a way to spread our message on the established social media platforms.