Arvinge okänd

Arvinge okänd (Heir Unknown) is a television series produced by SVT, the Swedish national public television broadcaster. Where two hosts are on a mission to find a deceased person’s living relatives and thus presenting them with their inheritance. This requires digging far back in time and sometimes to the farthest corners of the world.

The logo resembles a family tree and even a magnifying glass. It’s animation represents the search for the heir and when it is found.

Video of the intro @

Info graphics

The graphics showing the family tree tracing to the heir and the timeline showing the deceased person had to be simple but clear because they were frequently revisited and added to during each program.

Where are we graphics

The graphics showing the family tree tracing to the heir and the timeline showing the deceased person had to be simple but clear because they were frequently revisited and added to during each program.


The program was intertwined with people telling stories on the same theme as the main story would be built around. I kept the graphic form but added a frame that would sit through the sequence strengthening the notion that it was within hyphens. That was further heightened with a different colour scheme.